Monday, May 24, 2010

Yakiniku Camellia

I want to write about Yakiniku Camellia. This shop is located on 2494 South Beretania St. if you are not good at looking a map, you should go to star market because it is located near the star market. If you arrive at star market, you may find the shop quickly. You can eat a ton of meat that is seasoned with spicy salty-sweet sauce. Of course there are some fruits, many kinds of salad, and many kinds of soup. This shop is buffet service, so you can take the food that you want. This shop’s main dish is spicy chicken. There are beef, chicken and pork as the main meat. I think chicken is the tastiest in those meats. This shop is not very big, so during lunch time, you should go quickly. There is no time limit, so you can eat until you feel full. Dessert is also good, but there is no dessert during lunch, so if you want to eat dessert, you should go there during dinner time. If you go to the shop, you don’t dress up. After eating, your clothes are stained by Yakiniku smells. I recommend that you wear casual clothes. This shop’s price was not so expensive. Maybe the price was about 15$ per person. If you have never experienced Yakiniku, you might feel satisfied. On the other hand, if you have experienced Yakiniku in Japan, you might notice some differences.


I am from Japan so sometimes I really want to eat Japanese food but it is difficult to find a real Japanese restaurant in Hawaii. Of course, we can find very good Japanese restaurants in the Honolulu area and the food’s taste is also very good however the Japanese restaurants in Honolulu are super expensive. When we compare the Japanese restaurant in Japan with Honolulu, the costs may be almost double in Honolulu. Even if we can find a cheap Japanese restaurant, the food’s tastes are totally different from real Japanese food. Therefore I could not eat really good Japanese food so far. However finally I could eat traditional real Japanese food at a restaurant this weekend. The restaurant’s name is MAGURO YA. The MAGURO YA located in the Kaimuki area is known to many locals. The restaurant specializes in tuna, but they also serve traditional Japanese food such as tempura, soba, and udon. The restaurant’s atmosphere is just like in Japan. The cost is by no means cheap but not expensive. If you do not want to spend money but you want to eat very good Japanese food at the restaurant, it is possible because you can eat several good Don, that is a bowl of rice topped with chicken, beef, pork or fish for about eight dollars. I was irresolute what I would order but after all I wanted to eat many Japanese foods so I ordered the MAGURO YA special. The MAGURO YA special was eighteen dollars so it was a little bit expensive but the menu included sushi, sashimi, tempura, soba and salad. I was surprised when I saw the menu because all the plates had tuna, and there was a lot. I think the price was very reasonable. If you need to eat real Japanese food in Hawaii, You should to go The MAGURO YA.


This shop is located on 2210 S King St, and also near the Longs Drugs and Honolulu Stadium State Park. There is only one Longs Drugs on S King St, so you can’t lose the way.

We can eat delicious Japanese food such as Tendon, Katsu Curry, and Chicken Yakitori Don in this shop. At first when you entered this shop, you may feel a little bit dark and so small, but food is incredible good. I have ever eaten Tendon, and Chicken Katsu. I can really recommend Tendon because this shop’s is the tastiest in their menus. Japanese people like salty-sweet taste, and it can express the taste perfectly. When I brought it to my mouth, I remembered my country. Of course you may have fun from others dishes, but if you can choose any dish, you should order Tendon. It is made up with rice and some tempura which are a shrimp, a white fish, and a vegetable. In this shop, each dish’s price is a little bit expensive, but lunch menus are not expensive. You should go during lunch time. If you go during lunch time, you may buy each dish under 8 dollars, and you will be satisfied the taste and the amount. When you have it in your hand, you may feel the weight.


I went to Sogongdong this weekend. The Sogongdong is a famous Korean restaurant in Hawaii. The restaurant is located at Mccully Shopping Center’s second floor. Even if you do not know the Mccully Shopping Center, you can find it easily. Go walk through Ala Wai Blvd, turn right at the first bridge, and walk until the first traffic light, then there is Mccully Shopping Center. If you cannot find the shopping center, you should ask the taxi driver. The shopping center is a very famous place so every taxi driver might know it. I usually do not eat Asian food so I cannot compare it to the other Korean restaurants but the restaurant’s food, service, and cost were good. Firstly, the restaurant had menus that were written in English, Korean, and Japanese so people can order easily even Japanese tourists and also the restaurant’s atmosphere was nice. There were a lot of pictures of famous people with the restaurant’s owner so it looked like a very famous restaurant. The restaurant’s popular menu item was tofu with spicy soup that was cold Soondubu. I dislike spicy food and I ordered Bibinbap that was rice with egg and many vegetables so I did not eat the Soondubu but the smell was so nice. After we ordered, many kinds of side dishes were carried that included Kimchi and rice. We could eat the side dishes and rice by service and also we could refill any number of times. Each ordered dishes were 8 dollars to 12 dollars so it was not too expensive and also we could eat many side dishes and rice by service so I think the restaurant is very good for filling your stomach.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Waikiki Shorebird at the Outrigger Reef Hotel

I went to the Outrigger Reef on the beach hotel to eat dinner with my friends. Actually, this is one of my favorite restaurants in Hawaii because the price is reasonable and you can cook your own food. This restaurant is located in the outrigger hotel. A couple months ago, my local friends recommended here because he is working at the restaurant. When you decide to go there, I recommend you make a reservation and if you go with a date, you should go before 5:30 because if you are lucky, you can watch a sunset. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go before 5:30 at that time because apparently, they were already full. This restaurant’s style is BBQ, so we can choose beef, chicken, and fish. After looking at the menu, I ordered “Regular Chicken” The price was $16.95. When I first came here, I felt relatively expensive, but if you ordered meat, you can eat salad bar. Especially, this restaurant’s Poki is awesome. I have never eaten this kind of Poki. Salad bar also has rice and bread. Of course we couldn’t drink alcohol, so I paid only 20 dollars. This restaurants looks like a fancy restaurant, but many people come to this restaurant easily and this restaurant is very popular among people of all age groups. When you go here, I recommend going as party. Maybe, your date will be happy and they will prefer this restaurant.


My roommate and I went to Yogurtland, so I will explain the shop. It was located on University Ave and on the Metcalf St. if you are not good at looking map, you should go to University of Hawaii at Manoa because the shop was very close from the university. You can eat new type sweets at this shop. These are called a frozen yogurt. Its sense of touch is like ice cream, but its taste is yogurt. It is a little bit softer than normal ice cream. This shop was not so big, but you may not be uncomfortable. As soon as you entered this shop, you will be able to see a lot of machines. You can get yogurt from them. You can decide amount of yogurt that you want to eat. There were many flavors. These were Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Pistachio, New York cheese cake, Peanut Better, Mango, Taro, Green tea, Espresso, Mint chocolate, Peach, Banana, Cookie’ cream, and Pumpkin. Price is not expensive. If you eat much amount of yogurt, you may pay about less than $5 dollars. After you chose yogurt, you can add toppings. Toppings are chocolate chips, fruits, cereals, gummy candy, and M&Ms. Tastes were so good. If you don’t like yogurt taste, you shouldn’t choose a plane type. According to my friend, other taste yogurt ice creams were so delicious than plane type.

Waikiki Aquarium

I went to Waikiki Aquarium. I go running to Waikiki every weekend and I always do not have money during running but I had twenty dollars by chance on that day. Therefore I did not expect to go there even though I decided to enter the Waikiki Aquarium suddenly. The approach there is fairly easy. It is almost at the edge of the east of Waikiki. Even the person who doesn't know how to get there will be able to find it if advancing toward the direction of Diamond Head along the Waikiki beach, and there are some big monuments in front of the aquarium so everyone can find it easily. It will not take longer than 20 minutes walking from the center of Waikiki. The charge is not high at all either. It is possible to enter for ten dollars or less. It had a calm and clean atmosphere when entering inside. A lot and tourists and local families were there. The service of the aquarium was quite good. When entering, the hand-held narrated guide machine was passed out, and the machine explained about the fish of each water tank. The machines were passed out for each person so I could watch many fish at my own pace and the machine translated in many languages. Therefore I could hear the explanations in my native language but you can just look around instead and read the signs on each tank. The aquarium was very small but worthwhile to see little fish up close. They also have monk seals, jelly fish and small sharks. Among them all there were especially a lot of water tanks with jelly fish in them. Those Jelly fish tanks were lit up by blue light so they shone beautifully. It did not take one hour to see everything in the aquarium. If you need a break from the sun and sand, visit the aquarium